For the 2023 NSGIC Midyear Meeting, we are soliciting abstracts for live in-person Plenary content, which will be selected on a competitive basis. In addition, pre-recorded On-Demand presentations can be submitted. Please see below for details and submission form.

Abstracts are no longer being accepted. Thank you for your submissions!


Presentation types are as follows:

  • Flash: 15-minute update
  • Standard: 30-minute presentation including time for Q&A
  • Extended: 45-minute presentation including time for Q&A; panel encouraged, but individual presentations allowable
  • On-Demand: In addition to live sessions, the conference will also feature On-Demand presentations. This format is more flexible in terms of time, with lengths between 10 and 60 minutes.

Please note presentations are not to be commercials and you must select your preferred presentation type, but the Conference Committee may suggest an alternate type depending on the needs of the agenda and content relevance. You will be provided with confirmation of your presentation type upon confirmation of acceptance.


To submit an abstract, you will be required to submit a short form to include your detailed written abstract (see below)

Plenary abstract submissions will be evaluated by the NSGIC Conference Committee using the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the NSGIC audience of state Geospatial Information Officers (and equivalents), agency GIS coordinators, local and other public sector GIS specialists; federal partners; tribal representatives; and private sector collaborators.
  • Quality of content indicated by abstract
  • Significance with relevant content presented concisely and coherently
  • Originality to include new perspectives, approaches, or evidence
  • Advancement of state GIS policy, technology, service, or system

All submitting presenters will be asked to comment on:

  • What is the desired outcome or product? In other words, what do you want the audience to do or take away as a result of your presentation?


Successful presentations will be high-energy and engaging. Content should highlight state success stories, inspired collaborations, and thought-provoking ideas and solutions to the challenges faced by today’s state GIS leaders. Presentations are not to be commercials. 


In line with NSGIC’s strategic direction, plenary content will be selected on a competitive basis. For business partners, that means that there are fewer opportunities for “guaranteed spots” on the agenda. However, competitively-selected sessions will not require the use of business partner points. Due to this shift, we encourage business partners to pay close attention to deadlines for abstract submissions and to frame proposed sessions in terms of highest value content to the NSGIC audience. 

Business partners should submit abstracts via the form below by the January 13 deadline and the Conference Committee will make selections based on the submissions. Private sector organizations must contact Amy Holmes at [email protected] to secure attendance, presentation, and other business partner benefits.


On-Demand presentations, which will be included as part of the agenda offerings as well as made available to registered attendees during and after the event, will be guaranteed to those business partners wishing to use points (40 points) toward a pre-recorded (up to 60 minutes in length) presentation. This option is not selected competitively, but on a first-come, first-served sign-up basis. If you have questions about using points as a business partner, please contact Amy Holmes at [email protected].

Abstracts are no longer being accepted. Thank you for your submissions!
If you have questions about submitting a presentation abstract, please contact Ashley Sievert at [email protected].