Enhancing the Arizona Address Data Management Ecosystem: Midyear Meeting Presentation HighlightBy Jenna Straface | February 8, 2018 With our Midyear Meeting fast approaching, we wanted to slow down and take a moment to highlight some of the presentations and panels that we are looking forward to. This week we are highlighting a presentation titled “Enhancing the Arizona Address Data Management Ecosystem," presented by Jenna Straface, Gene Trobia, Bo Guo, and Howard Ward on Tuesday, February 27. Read Jenna's presentation description below for a preview of the discussion content: As one of the two original pilot states for the National Address Database (NAD) project, Arizona continues to build a statewide address management ecosystem. Key success factors include support of the Arizona Geographic Information Council (AGIC) and the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD), active state and local government collaboration, strategic public and private partnerships, participation in NSGIC's Address & Transportation Committee’s identification of national guidelines and best practices, and the adoption of new technology to improve data workflows and validate authoritative addresses. The presenters will provide a brief overview of the Arizona Address Management Ecosystem and discuss several of its key components: Data governance and project support in a changing state environment; The current Arizona Governor has promoted an initiative for all state-run agencies to assess and improve their business practices to increase efficiencies, streamline government activities and maximize benefits to the public. In response to the governor’s initiative, ASLD has continued to assess and improve its core business functions, one of which is the State Cartographer’s Office. The result is enterprise GIS coordination, involving key ASLD GIS staff, rather than assigning the responsibility of state-wide GIS coordination only to the State Cartographer’s Office. While organizational changes at ASLD were implemented, the agency continues its strong support of Arizona’s GIS activities and coordination through its support of the AGIC. State-wide GIS initiatives such as participation in the development of the NAD, Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1), and the All Road Network of Linear Referenced Data (ARNOLD) are examples of high priority projects that exemplify the mission of AGIC, and by extension ASLD. These projects ultimately benefit both the Arizona and national GIS community while also improving the safety of the public. Terra Systems Southwest, GIStic and GISWorks were brought on as technical consultants to support the collaborative efforts of ALSD, Arizona Department of Administration’s 9-1-1 Office, and the Arizona Department of Transportation. This collaboration helps manage and validate Arizona address and roads data. It also assists the state in improving data workflows which support the ongoing development of NAD, NG9-1-1 and ARNOLD. EMAP an interactive collaboration and authoritative crowdsourcing platform for address maintenance;The Emergency Address Portal is a web mapping application providing non-technical GIS users the ability to correct errors found in GIS address point data and communicate those changes directly to the data provider. Features include zooming to addresses and landmarks; adding, deleting, moving and editing address attributes; sharing live screen views with others and much more. EMAP is built using a NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 standard data schema and hosted on a robust SQL Server database with tracking and roll-back capability. This tool helps fill a niche in the address ecosystem for public safety professionals to collaborate and give feedback to the GIS back end professionals. A3i, an AI-based web address parser and geocoding application contributing to the consistency, quality and efficiency of address geocoding and maintenance;Address Analyzer with Artificial Intelligence is an on-line address parsing program designed to clean addresses coming from various State customer databases with the goal of creating one clean, standardized address from one to many “dirty” versions provided by customers. It is built on open source Python AI libraries and is hosted on a sophisticated data schema in PostGres SQL. Data Uploader, an ambitious on-line automatic address submission and integration system;Data Uploader is in the conceptual design phase. It will be a web service that automates the process of local data collection, inventory, assessment and feedback about data submitted to the State GIS portal by the sixteen 9-1-1 System in Arizona. Data Upload will replace or supplement the scores of current procedures and ArcGIS scripting tools used in the current process. Presenters will briefly demonstrate the key features of automated tools that are enhancing the quality address pipeline and feed-back loop between local and state agencies in Arizona.
Check out the full agenda here. Haven’t registered for the meeting yet? Register now!