Advocacy Center
Why is great decision-making so difficult? Making great decisions requires the decision-maker to find reliable information from different sources and synthesize the findings, debate the facts, visit sites, meet with information sources, engage stakeholders, establish priorities and communicate the decision's "why." What makes it easier to get things done? Digital information -- well-organized to serve important needs, accessible to all, easily integrated and communicated visually NSGIC works to improve government effectiveness and efficiency through the use of geospatial technology. To be effective, all levels of government need to work together for the common good. Our advocacy work is intended to help multiple levels implement the best possible policies. For more than 25 years, NSGIC has been at the forefront of geospatial policy and resource development. Shortly after the Federal Geographic Committee (FGDC) was created, NSGIC held its first meeting. We successfully advocated for the multi-sector National Geospatial Advisory Committee to FGDC so national issues could be discussed from a broader perspective. NSGIC has been a successful advocate for state/federal data partnership programs, including FGDC’s Cooperative Agreements Program, USGS’s National Hydrography Dataset program, NOAA’s Digital Coast Partnership, NTIA’s State Broadband Initiative, and the joint USDOT/Census Bureau effort to develop a National Address Database.
Learn about our current legislative priorities. |