Committees: Get Involved!

Much of NSGIC's substantive work happens in our active committees. NSGIC members are encouraged to consider a role in one or more committees. It's a great way to get to know other members, increase your visibility and contribute to the greater geospatial community.

Contact a committee chair to learn more about how to get involved.  

Certain membership or sponsorship designations are required for participation in some committees, while some committees are open to non-members. Non-members will need to create a NSGIC limited access account to join any committees.

Interested in participating in our online discussion forums? They're right this way.

Visit our library for many resources produced and curated by our committees. 


Addresses & Transportation (about the committee  |  discussion forum  |  resources)

Conferences (about the committee  |  discussion forum  |  policies)

Corporate Leadership (CLC) (about the committee)

Elections (about the committee  |  resources)

Finance (about the committee)

Geospatial Preparedness (about the committee  |  discussion forum  |  resources)

Member Resources (about the committee  |  membership directory)

Next Generation 9-1-1 (about the committee  |  discussion forum  |  resources)

Resiliency Task Force (about the committee  |  discussion forum  |  resources)

Sponsorship (about the committee  |  learn more)


Addresses & Transportation

The A&T Committee provides information and recommendations to NSGIC and its leadership in all matters related to national address and transportation framework data and associated programs. The committee preserves and disseminates institutional knowledge obtained from states with regards to collecting, maintaining and aggregating street centerlines, address point repositories and like datasets. 

Committee Leadership: Jonathan Duran (AR), Co-Chair; Dan Ross (MN), Co-Chair;  Gene Trobia (AZ), Co-Chair

Find us in our discussion forum  |  Visit A&T resources page in the library



The Conferences Committee develops the programs for NSGIC's two signature in-person meetings -- the Annual Conference and Midyear Meeting. Known for shaping agendas that stretch from early breakfast meetings to evening programs and informal collaboration in the late-night hospitality suite, this busy committee provides a significant platform for sharing critical information and experiences among conference attendees and beyond.

Committee Leadership: Currently Vacant 

Find us in our discussion forum  |  View conference policies and deadlines


Corporate Leadership

The CLC acts as a support resource to NSGIC, providing members with industry-related, private sector insight and knowledge to assist with the successful achievement of strategic goals and objectives and other priority initiatives identified by the NSGIC board and executive director. Committee members represent platinum- and gold-level sponsors.

Committee Leadership: Richard Butgereit (Vexcel), Chair



NSGIC's board officers and directors are voted into office by its membership in accordance with the NSGIC bylaws. The Elections Committee identifies candidates for elected positions and oversees balloting using procedures as mandated.

Committee Leadership: Shelby Johnson (AR), Chair

Learn about board service 



The Finance Committee assists the NSGIC treasurer to protect the organization's financial integrity and accountability. Committee members provide insight and guidance related to financial trends and investment options. 

Committee Leadership: Mark Holmes (MI), Treasurer and Committee Chair

Visit the governance and policies page in our library


Geospatial Preparedness

The GP Committee promotes effective coordination and the use of geospatial capabilities within emergency management, homeland security, law enforcement and military offices to positively impact decision-making and geospatial preparedness.

Committee Leadership: Jason Ray (FL), Co-Chair; Daniel Stoelb (OR), Co-Chair

Find us in our discussion forum  |  Visit the GP resources page in the library


Member Resources

The Member Resources Committee provides for routine communication between NSGIC and our members, and among the members, to properly inform the membership about activities, facilitate member-to-member learning and to identify long-term issues that will be important to the members and the organization.

Committee Leadership: Leland Pierce (NM),  Co-Chair; Tim Johnson (NC), Co-Chair


Next Generation 9-1-1

The NG9-1-1 Committee strive to stay abreast of NG9-1-1 issues and works with member states, federal agencies and other organizations to effect positive change in all mapping activities of the public safety answering points (PSAPs) to integrate their work with the broad geospatial community.

Committee Leadership: Ian Von Essen (WA), Co-Chair; Michael Fashoway (MT), Co-Chair, Joe Sewash (VA), NSGIC Liaison to NENA; Richard Kelly (911Datamaster), NENA Liaison to NSGIC

Find us in our discussion forum  |  Visit the NG9-1-1 resource page in the library


Resiliency Task Force

The Resiliency Task Force is charged with promoting public awareness and the effective coordination and use of geospatial capabilities across all levels of government to support decision-making on resiliency issues. The task force also works to engage NSGIC member states to build more resilient communities.

Task Force Leadership: Phil Worrall (IN), Chair

Find us in our discussion forum  |  Visit the resiliency resources page in the library